7018 Welding Rods for sale. Farm and Ranch fencing supplies are a specialty at S& K Farm Building Supplies. Our fencing supplies include hundreds of rolls of field fence, hog wire, sheep and goat wire, net wire, barbed wire, horse wire and wire rod panels.

7018 Welding Rods

SKFarm 7018 Welding Rod
SKFarm 7018 Welding Rods

7018 1/8” Welding Rods

Size: 1/8”

44lb Box

$60.00 per box

These stick electrodes provide the chemical properties necessary for the applications, along with the low hydrogen levels needed to prevent issues like cracking. They also provide the appropriate mechanical properties for these jobs — most steel used for structural applications (A514, for example) requires filler metals that offer 70,000 psi of tensile strength. E7018 stick electrodes meet those specifications.